"The more diversity around the table the richer the conversation” with Lora Caven
Today we have Lora Caven, an internationally recognized and decorated business coach with a focus on supporting high performing women (in and out of C-suite positions) during perimenopause and menopause. She speaks about her journey to getting to this era in her career after feeling lost following some major changes in her life. Her real passion lies in coaching other women in business through the busiest time of their lives- Menopause. After seeing just how damaging the business world is to women going through that era in their life, she set out to challenge a system designed around men. In today's episode she speak about the importance of womanhood and relying on the community that women are innately a part of. She says “The more you show up for yourself the more other people show up for you”. She even speaks about her own experience regarding coaching and stresses how important it is to have that support. She also speaks about the importance of believing in yourself and knowing your own body. This episode will be a comfort to most people and is truly not one to miss.