Episode 68

Published on:

30th Dec 2024

“Raise awareness, make a difference” with Genevieve Smith

Today's podcast is one very near and dear to Brenda's heart. In this episode she has Genevieve Smith, with Cancer Research UK (CRUK) and more specifically Business Beats Cancer Aberdeen. After a long career in sales, Genevieve found herself unsettled and looked for a career change. When the position within CRUK opened up she made the jump into the third sector and has loved every second of it. In just over a year in the position, she has helped raise over £60,000 and founded boards in both Dundee and now Aberdeen. Today, she speaks about this decision-The challenges she faced, the high points, and the fear she had. More specifically she speaks about Business Beats Cancer Aberdeen, an Initiative where businesses get together and raise  funds for CRUK. Her and Brenda, speak about what qualities make a good board member and ways you could get involved. They also explain everything you need to know about getting involved with the Aberdeen Fundraising Gala. The prizes you could win, the people you could network with, and all the amazing research the money goes towards. Specifically, research projects at the University of Aberdeen itself, that set out to explore how cells divide in order to find a way to prevent cancer. Cancer research UK has helped double the breast cancer survival rate in the UK, largely due to its contributions from  business across the country. In today's episode Brenda and Genevieve talk about how you and your business can get involved and the direct link it could have for drastically changing the future of cancer research and prevention in the UK.

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About the Podcast

Scale Her Up: Female business stories and expert tips for business growth and success
The Female Entrepreneur Show. Sharing business expertise, start-up experiences and business growth strategies to overcome challenges
If you are a female business owner, self-employed freelancer, or girl boss who wants to build a successful business i.e. work less hours, make more money, and get better results from your staff, then this is the podcast for you. Hosted by Dr Brenda Hector MBA from ActionCOACH UK, this podcast provides relatable and accessible business advice and inspiration from successful businesswomen who have been there and done it before you.

This podcast is where you can
• hear female business stories
• share business success
• learn how to overcome business challenges
• get advice for businesswomen aspiring to success
• find out what needs to change
• discover how we can bring about that business revolution

Only 1 in 3 UK entrepreneurs are female.
UK men are 5 times more likely than women to build a business of over £1million turnover

If UK women matched UK men in starting and scaling businesses, it would add £250 billion to the UK economy (Alison Rose, The Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship 2018)

As a woman in business, a business coach, and a business growth expert, Brenda’s mission is to help business owners grow their companies, achieve their goals and live the lifestyle of their dreams. She's the help you need to grow your business.

About your host

Profile picture for Brenda Hector

Brenda Hector

Entrepreneur, business coach, podcast host, writer

I work with proactive ambitious business owners in Scotland to increase their profits, improve the performance of their teams and enable them to work fewer hours. I'm passionate about improving gender balance in entrepreneurship as host of Scale Her Up The female entrepreneur show podcast.

"Because being in business should give you more life"